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Mystery Quality Program



We support you in your quality approach by analyzing your customers' experience and the efficiency of your services through various satisfaction barometers.

The mystery visit, which is one of these tools, makes it possible to measure the quality of service, from the reception of the customer to his loyalty through the commercial interview, the advice provided as well as the maintenance of the structure receiving your customers.

Who can use the mystery survey tool?

Our offers concern all companies open to the public in the fields of commerce, hotels, restaurants, the automotive sector, tourism, telephony, banking, insurance, media and recreation, administration, etc.

  • Our analyzes
    - determine the main levers of customer satisfaction and areas for improvement
    - reveal the areas that pose a risk to your brand according to customer requirements and measured performance in your structure
    - will allow you to situate you according to certain criteria, according to your socio-professional category
    - monitor changes and their effect on your long-term performance.


The very heart of the Mystery Quality Program is built around essential principles, conveyed by our entire team.

  • Ethics
    All our employees are committed on a daily basis to respect towards our customers, seriousness, confidentiality and responsiveness.

  • Expertise
    We put its know-how and our experience at the service of our customers and we are committed to the quality of the advice and the result.

  • Objectivity
    Independent in our approach, we ensure complete objectivity of the panelists, the results and advice.

  • Proximity
    We meet our customers, get to know them, interact with them constantly, in a spirit of permanent satisfaction.

How? 'Or' What ?

We proceed in phases:

Phase 1 - Diagnosis

Phase 2 - Coaching / Training support

Phase 3 - Consolidation


Phase 1

Phase 1


de vos besoins


Nous vous rencontrons pour faire le point sur vos attentes précises et sur ce que vous souhaitez contrôler spécifiquement (infrastructures/qualité accueil/qualité de service etc.)


de votre programme d'enquêtes personnalisé


En fonction de vos besoins exprimés, nous établissons ensemble un ou plusieurs scénarii d'observation et une grille complète des points à contrôler


des résultats des enquêtes mystères


Analyse des grilles et enquêtes réalisées

Phase 2

Plan d'actions

Court / moyen/ long terme


Définition des actions d'amélioration, de correction à mettre en place à court, moyen et long terme


Personnalisées et professionalisantes


Etablissement d'un plan de formation adapté aux besoin (qualité d'accueil, traitement d'une réclamation, techniques de vente, etc.)


Individuel et/ou collectif


Un programme de coaching individuel peut être proposé (renforcement des soft skills, gestion du stress, écoute active, mindfullness, etc.), coaching collectif (team building/jeux de rôle)

Phase 3




Contrôle à J+3 mois pour vérifier la bonne application des actions et pratiques décidées et transmises

All our offers are tailor-made 


Click on the image of your choice

Do not hesitate to contact us to let us know your needs, we will build a content with you to measure

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